If you are planning on submitting samples to Actlabs, this information will assist you during the entire process. We understand that high quality analysis and fast turnaround time are essential for all projects and this information will help achieve this goal.
You can rely on our responsive and knowledgeable Sales and Customer Service team to help you with all of your needs. To better understand our service capabilities or to discuss a program or proposal that will suit your needs, contact customerservice@actlabs.com , or our toll free number at 1.888.228.5227. Information can also be obtained by contacting your local Actlabs facility or Regional Sales Representative.
Clients can track their sample status from reception through logging, preparation, analysis and reporting, and access their final analysis results on-line, via secure login to our WebLIMS system. Please contact customerservice@actlabs.com to establish a WebLIMS account for your project.
Once you’ve made the decision to submit samples to Actlabs, there are four options for payment that needs to be determined.
- Payment with be made by cheque or bank draft payable to Activation Laboratories Ltd. No credit has been established.
- Payment will be made by credit card. Credit card information is to be provided on the Request for Analysis Form or Credit Card Charge Form. No credit has been established.
- A signed agreement or contract has been completed and approved by Actlabs. Payment will be issued after the invoice has been received.
- Credit has been established with Actlabs (refer to Actlabs’ Credit Application Form). Payment will be issued after the invoice has been received.
If credit has not been established with Actlabs, payment must be received prior to releasing results. If you require a proforma invoice in order to obtain a purchase order, specify; the type of samples, if you require sample preparation, number of samples, analysis required, and whether you require your samples returned or disposed after analysis.
When submitting samples to Actlabs, we require paperwork detailing all of the information of your request. Filling out a Request for Analysis Form will provide all of the required information to process your samples and must accompany your samples. We require the following information for every batch of samples that are submitted:
- Complete address and name of the person submitting the samples and who will be receiving the results and invoice (including emails)
- Is the person or company paying for the results different then the company receiving the results or submitting the samples? If so, has credit been established with Actlabs for this different company? If not, please refer to contract and billing questions.
- Customer reference to any project number, quotation, proforma invoice, or purchase order
- Sample Return/Disposal Information
- Number of samples and names of samples
- Type of samples and whether they need sample preparation (preparation code)
- Package Code for the analytical tests required
- Customer Authorization Signature
- If you are unsure whether your samples are suitable for testing upon receipt and require sample preparation (for example, a rock was submitted and needs to be crushed and milled for analysis), there is a check box regarding sample preparation charges: Contact me if sample preparation is required OR I authorize any required sample preparation charges. Selecting the latter option will minimize delay in the process. If you would like to verify whether your samples are suitable for analysis as is, please contact customerservice@actlabs.com prior to submitting your samples.
To improve turnaround time, the above information can be submitted electronically along with an accurate sample list (.doc, .xls, .csv) for faster processing of your sample batch. For samples submitted to Ancaster ONLY, email the forms to: samplereception@actlabs.com . For other Actlabs facilities, the email address can be found online or page 44 of the Schedule of Fees and Services.
Once you’ve determined the analysis that you require, how you’ll pay for the analysis, and filled out the necessary paperwork, you’re now ready to submit your samples to Actlabs.
If submitting samples to Ancaster, Ontario, Canada ONLY, samples should be shipped to:
Activation Laboratories Ltd.
41 Bittern St
Ancaster, Ontario
Canada L9G 4V5
Tel: 1.905.648.9611 or 1.888.228.5227 (ACTLABS)
Fax: 1.905.648.9613
Attn: Sample Receiving
E-mail: samplereception@actlabs.com
Waybill instructions for International shipments
Minerals Samples for Analysis, No Commercial Value
Value for Customs: Nominal Fee (CDN$5.00)
Canadian Customs Tariff (Harmonized Code): HS 2617.90.00.00
Customs Broker: Thompson Ahern & Co. Ltd.
Indicate DDP = Delivered Duty Paid for customs
If submitting samples to a different Actlabs facility, you can find the email address and shipping address online through our Locations page or on page 40 in our Schedule of Fees and Services.
For most efficient delivery, we recommend the use of couriers, e.g., Fedex, Purolator, DHL, UPS
Complimentary sample tags are available upon request. Heavy duty plastic sample bags, cloth sample bags, soil envelopes, rice bags, and zip ties are available at discounted rates.
Poorly labeled or packaged samples, or samples having incomplete or no submission sheets may not be processed until adequate written instructions are received from the client. Turnaround time will be improved by proper packaging of your shipment.
See below for efficiency in shipping samples:
Submit paperwork by e-mail prior to shipping samples by providing an accurate list of all sample numbers, preferably with an excel file. Include a copy of the paperwork inside the bag or box of samples.
2. Request for Analysis Form should indicate samples that will not be prepped and those samples that require prep i.e. Pulp, or Crushed Rock that will only require to be pulverized etc. This will ensure that prep charges are applied to only those samples being prepped and will minimize changes to our system afterwards.
3. Samples must be neatly in order in shipping containers. If using pop top vials or glass bottles ensure that they are taped shut and protected from breakage. Sealed plastic bags are best for shipping pulps. Additional sorting charges will be incurred if chaotic shipments are received.
4. Soil or vegetation samples from outside Canada should be sealed in plastic 20 litre pails with tight sealing lids (or equivalent leak proof container) for shipping to avoid being stopped by customs if they are leaking. Actlabs does have CFIA import permits for all countries. We can provide this to you and you can attach to shipment for seamless customs clearance.
5. Ensure all samples are clearly identified with sample numbers. This can be accomplished with waterproof ink on the sample bags or with sample tags in the sample bags.
6. When shipping multiple rice bags or boxes, ensure the first rice bag/box in the order contains any paper work and that it is flagged with a different color flagging tape (for rice bags).
7. Number the rice bags in order, example Bag 1 – sample 60005-60010, Bag 2 – sample 60011-60015….etc Ensure that both sample ID’s and Rice Bag numbers are in a visible location.
8. When palletizing a shipment, pack the pallet by putting the last bag in the order on first and the first bag of the order on last. This will make the sorting of the samples upon receipt by the lab more efficient and less time consuming as there will be no need to sort rice bags as they will already be in order.
9. When submitting samples for Precious Metals by Fire Assay, submit samples in batches of 35 or a multiple thereof. 35 client samples will be 1 full rack of 42 (including Actlabs QC) in Fire Assay as client samples are fired individually.
10. If there are multiple batches in a shipment, mark batches with separate color flagging tape or separate color spray paint in a visible location on rice bags. If submitting multiple batches in one box, include all paperwork in the same box.
Once the samples are received and all information is clearly identified, your sample batch will be given a work order number and a confirmation email will be sent to you indicating the receipt of your samples. If there are any discrepancies between the paperwork that is submitted and the samples that are received, you will be contacted and your samples placed on hold, which will delay processing your order.
In an effort to reduce our impact on the environment, all reports and invoices are transmitted electronically in a PDF format and/or as an excel file at the email address you specified in your request for Analysis form sent together with your samples. If required, hard copies of reports and/or invoices are available upon request. Quality Control data is provided with every report. If your require a customized reporting template, please inquire internally with customerservice@actlabs.com
Inserting CRM’s into your sample batches helps meet measurement needs by providing a known, well characterized entity to compare and evaluate laboratory analysis results. Actlabs can provide guidance in the proper selection of CRM’s based on your project needs.
CRM’s are commercially available from the following sources:
- AMIS (South Africa)
- CANMET (Canadian Government)
- CDN Resource Labs (Canada)
- Geostats (Australia)
- OREAS (Australia and Analytical Solutions Canada)
- Rocklabs (New Zealand)
- SARM (South Africa)
Actlabs can also prepare customized Standard Reference Material (SRM) for your projects and have any suggested elements or group of elements certified, for more information contact crm@actlabs.com
Generally accepted results are those results lying within +/- three standard deviations on either side of the certified values on the bottles rather than +/- 2 standard deviations listed on the bottle. Actlabs has a presentation by Lynda Bloom (Analytical Solutions) and Maureen Leaver (Canmet), which can be provided to explain the rational for this. This range of acceptability is called Control Limits. The control limits applications are set by the client.