Selective extractions using surface materials can be used to extract a specific component of the soil that may have been added by degassing biological activity or electrochemical cells.
Many ‘blind’ orebodies are buried beneath thick sequences of exotic overburden, lake beds, barren bedrock or younger volcanic rocks. Generally to be most effective at depth penetration, the weakest leaches are best including Bioleach and Enzyme Selective Extraction. Bioleach, a technology that Actlabs has developed, dissolves remnant proteins that bacteria have left behind when the die. These proteins migrate directly above mineral deposits by a variety of processes and bioleach is designed to digest this soil component which can then be analyzed by ICP-MS or for most effectiveness by high resultion ICP-MS.
Enzyme Selective Extraction (ESE) is one of the most discriminating of the selective analytical extractions in use today. This selective extraction targets amorphous mixed oxide coatings. By selectively removing the amorphous manganese dioxide from these coatings, the mixed oxide coatings collapse, releasing trapped trace elements. At this time, the greatest depth of penetration of ESE for a mineral deposit is greater than 800 meters. For more information see our Enzyme Selective Extraction Brochure.
The Enhanced ESE package offers lower detection limits than the standard package.
A 0.75g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in enzyme matrix containing a glucose oxidize solution at 30oC for 1 hour. The enzyme reacts with amorphous MnO2 dissolving it. The metals are complexed with the gluconic acid present. The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. For each tray of 54 samples there is one blank, three duplicates, 4 standards and 46 samples.
Element | Detection Limit |
Ag | 0.1 |
Al | 0.5 ppm |
As | 0.1 |
Au | 0.005 |
Ba | 0.5 |
Be | 0.1 |
Bi | 0.5 |
Br | 1 |
Ca | 5 ppm |
Cd | 0.1 |
Ce | 0.01 |
Cl* | 1000 |
Co | 0.2 |
Cr | 3 |
Cs | 0.01 |
Cu | 1 |
Dy | 0.01 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Er | 0.01 |
Eu | 0.01 |
Fe | 1 ppm |
Ga | 0.3 |
Gd | 0.01 |
Ge | 0.05 |
Hf | 0.01 |
Hg* | 0.1 |
Ho | 0.01 |
I | 1 |
In | 0.01 |
K | 5 ppm |
La | 0.01 |
Li* | 0.5 |
Lu | 0.01 |
Mg | 2 ppm |
Mn | 0.4 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Mo | 0.1 |
Na | 5 ppm |
Nb | 0.1 |
Nd | 0.01 |
Ni | 1 |
Pb | 0.1 |
Pd | 0.5 |
Pr | 0.01 |
Pt | 0.5 |
Rb | 0.1 |
Re | 0.005 |
Ru | 0.5 |
Sb | 0.01 |
Sc* | 10 |
Se | 1 |
Sm | 0.01 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Sn | 0.2 |
Sr | 0.1 |
Ta | 0.02 |
Tb | 0.01 |
Te | 0.5 |
Th | 0.01 |
Ti* | 10 |
Tl | 0.005 |
Tm | 0.01 |
U | 0.01 |
V | 0.1 |
W | 0.1 |
Y | 0.05 |
Yb | 0.01 |
Zn | 5 |
Zr | 0.1 |
Note: *Values are Semi-Quantitative
Code 7 Add-Ons |
pH of leach solution |
Conductivity of leach solution |
pH + Conductivity |
Enzyme Selective Extraction (ESE) is one of the most discriminating of the selective analytical extractions in use today. This selective extraction targets amorphous mixed oxide coatings. By selectively removing the amorphous manganese dioxide from these coatings, the mixed oxide coatings collapse, releasing trapped trace elements. At this time, the greatest depth of penetration of ESE for a mineral deposit is greater than 800m. For more information see our Enzyme Selective Extraction Brochure.
For enhanced detection limits, please see the 7-Enhanced Enzyme Selective Extraction package.
A 0.75g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in enzyme matrix containing a glucose oxidaze solution at 30oC for 1 hour. The enzyme reacts with amorphous MnO2 dissolving it. The metals are complexed with the gluconic acid present.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. For each tray of 54 samples there is one blank, three duplicates, 4 standards and 46 samples.
Element | Detection Limit |
Ag | 0.2 |
Al | 0.5 ppm |
As | 1 |
Au | 0.05 |
Ba | 1 |
Be | 2 |
Bi | 0.8 |
Br | 5 |
Ca | 5 ppm |
Cd | 0.2 |
Ce | 0.1 |
Cl* | 2000 |
Co | 1 |
Cr | 20 |
Cs | 0.1 |
Cu | 3 |
Dy | 0.1 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Er | 0.1 |
Eu | 0.1 |
Fe | 1 ppm |
Ga | 1 |
Gd | 0.1 |
Ge | 0.5 |
Hf | 0.1 |
Hg* | 1 |
Ho | 0.1 |
I | 2 |
In | 0.1 |
K | 5 ppm |
La | 0.1 |
Li* | 2 |
Lu | 0.1 |
Mg | 2 ppm |
Mn | 1 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Mo | 1 |
Na | 5 ppm |
Nb | 1 |
Nd | 0.1 |
Ni | 3 |
Pb | 1 |
Pd | 1 |
Pr | 0.1 |
Pt | 1 |
Rb | 1 |
Re | 0.01 |
Ru | 1 |
Sb | 0.1 |
Sc* | 100 |
Se | 5 |
Sm | 0.1 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Sn | 0.8 |
Sr | 1 |
Ta | 0.1 |
Tb | 0.1 |
Te | 1 |
Th | 0.1 |
Ti* | 100 |
Tl | 0.1 |
Tm | 0.1 |
U | 0.1 |
V | 1 |
W | 1 |
Y | 0.5 |
Yb | 0.1 |
Zn | 10 |
Zr | 1 |
Note: *Values are Semi-Quantitative
Code 7 Add-Ons |
pH of leach solution |
Conductivity of leach solution |
pH + Conductivity |
Sodium pyrophosphate will digest organic material.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One reagent and two matrix blanks are analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 44 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 15 samples.
Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element | Detection Limit |
Ag | 500 |
Al | 10 ppm |
As | 300 |
Au | 5 |
Ba | 300 |
Be | 50 |
Bi | 40 |
Br | 300 |
Ca | 500 ppm |
Cd | 20 |
Ce | 40 |
Co | 50 |
Cr* | 500 |
Cs | 2 |
Cu | 600 |
Dy | 5 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Er | 1 |
Eu | 5 |
Fe | 50 ppm |
Ga | 20 |
Gd | 5 |
Ge | 300 |
Hf | 5 |
Hg* | 200 |
Ho | 1 |
I | 1,000 |
In | 2 |
K | 50 ppm |
La | 20 |
Li* | 1,000 |
Lu | 1 |
Mg | 10 ppm |
Element | Detection Limit |
Mn | 300 |
Mo | 40 |
Nb | 20 |
Nd | 20 |
Ni | 1,000 |
Pb | 1,000 |
Pd | 100 |
Pr | 5 |
Pt | 100 |
Rb | 20 |
Re | 1 |
Ru | 100 |
Sb | 20 |
Sc* | 300 |
Se | 700 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Sm | 10 |
Sr | 100 |
Ta | 3 |
Tb | 1 |
Te | 200 |
Th | 100 |
Tl | 100 |
Tm | 1 |
U | 200 |
V | 200 |
W | 30 |
Y | 10 |
Yb | 2 |
Zn | 1,000 |
Zr | 100 |
Note: *Values are Semi-Quantitative
Through years of research by Actlabs, supported by CAMIRO (Canadian Mining Research Organization) with our SGH technology, it has been proven that microbiological processes are exceptionally important. Electrochemical Redox cells mobilize metals from the mineral deposit to the surface which become adsorbed on soil particles and create unique surficial conditions that bacteria then feed upon. Bioleach digests bacteria and their proteins from the collected surficial samples to analyze for the elements related to the blind mineralization.
A 0.75g sample of -80 mesh (or other mesh size of your choice) upper B soil horizon material is leached in proprietary matrix at 30°C for 1 hour. Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples. For more information see our Bioleach Brochure.
Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 0.2
Al 0.5 ppm
As 0.5
Au 0.05
Ba 1
Be 0.07
Bi 0.1
Br 5
Ca 5 ppm
Cd 0.05
Ce 0.02
Co 0.1
Cr 2
Cs 0.01
Cu 0.5
Dy 0.01
Element Detection Limit
Er 0.01
Eu 0.01
Fe 1 ppm
Ga 0.1
Gd 0.03
Ge 0.05
Hf 0.04
Hg 0.05
Ho 0.01
I 1
In 0.1
K 5 ppm
La 0.01
Li 0.2
Lu 0.01
Mg 2 ppm
Element Detection Limit
Mn 0.1
Mo 2
Nb 0.2
Nd 0.03
Ni 0.2
Pb 0.1
Pd 0.5
Pr 0.01
Pt 0.51
Rb 0.1
Re 0.01
Ru 0.05
S 10 ppm
Sb 0.2
Sc 0.5
Element Detection Limit
Se 1
Sm 0.03
Sr 0.1
Ta 0.01
Tb 0.01
Te 1
Th 0.02
Tl 0.2
Tm 0.01
U 0.01
V 1
W 0.01
Y 0.02
Yb 0.02
Zn 2
Zr 0.5
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in deionized water.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. For each tray of 54 samples there is one blank, three duplicates, 4 standards and 46 samples.
Element Detection Limit
Ag 0.1
Al 0.5 ppm
As 0.1
Au 0.005
Ba 0.5
Be 0.1
Bi 0.5
Br 1
Ca 5 ppm
Cd 0.1
Ce 0.01
Cl* 1,000
Co 0.2
Cr 3
Cs 0.01
Cu 1
Dy 0.01
Element Detection Limit
Er 0.01
Eu 0.01
Fe 1 ppm
Ga 0.3
Gd 0.01
Ge 0.05
Hf 0.01
Hg* 0.1
Ho 0.01
I 1
In 0.01
K 5 ppm
La 0.01
Li* 0.5
Lu 0.01
Mg 2 ppm
Mn 0.4
Element Detection Limit
Mo 0.1
Na 5 ppm
Nb 0.1
Nd 0.01
Ni 1
Pb 0.1
Pd 0.5
Pr 0.01
Pt 0.5
Rb 0.1
Re 0.005
Ru 0.5
Sb 0.01
Sc* 10
Se 1
Sm 0.01
Element Detection Limit
Sn 0.2
Sr 0.1
Ta 0.02
Tb 0.01
Te 0.5
Th 0.01
Ti* 10
Tl 0.005
Tm 0.01
U 0.01
V 0.1
W 0.1
Y 0.05
Yb 0.01
Zn 5
Zr 0.1
Note : *Values are Semi-Quantitative
Code 7 Add-Ons |
pH of leach solution |
Conductivity of leach solution |
pH + Conductivity |
The solutions are analyzed on a High Resolution Magnetic Sector ICP-MS.
One reagent and two matrix blanks are analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 44 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 15 samples.
Code 7 High Resolution Sodium Pyrophosphate Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 8
As 160
Au 28
B 970
Ba 16
Be 4
Bi 1
Br 2009
Ca 20
Cd 1
Ce 8
Co 4
Cr* 24
Cs 4
Cu 40
Dy 0.1
Element Detection Limit
Er 0.1
Eu 0.1
Fe 400
Ga 4
Gd 0.1
Ge 4
Hf 0.4
Hg* 160
Ho 0.04
I 80
In 0.4
K 4000
La 8
Li* 120
Lu 0.04
Mg 800
Element Detection Limit
Mn 400
Mo 16
Nb 0.4
Nd 0.4
Ni 200
Pb 12
Pd 100
Pr 0.1
Rb 20
Re 0.4
Sb 4
Sc* 40
Se 600
Sm 1
Sn 24
Sr 40
Element Detection Limit
Ta 2
Tb 0.1
Te 4
Th 0.1
Ti 40
Tl 0.4
Tm 0.4
U 0.4
V 2
W 4
Y 1
Yb 0.2
Zn 1,600
Zr 4
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
Enzyme Selective Extraction (ESE) is one of the most discriminating of the selective analytical extractions in use today. This selective extraction targets amorphous mixed oxide coatings. By selectively removing the amorphous manganese dioxide from these coatings, the mixed oxide coatings collapse, releasing trapped trace elements. A t this time, the greatest depth of penetration of ESE for a mineral deposit is greater than 800 m.
The High Salt ESE package is recommended for soils sampled in high salt environments.
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in enzyme matrix containing a glucose oxidaze solution at 30°C for 1 hour. The enzyme reacts with amorphous MnO2 dissolving it. The metals are complexed with the gluconic acid present. Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 High Salt Enzyme Selective Extraction Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 0.2
Al 0.5 ppm
As 5
Au 0.1
Ba 1
Be 20
Bi 1
Br 30
Ca 0.5 ppm
Cd 0.2
Ce 1
Cl* 3000
Co 1
Cr 50
Cs 1
Cu 5
Dy 1
Element Detection Limit
Er 1
Eu 1
Fe 1 ppm
Ga 1
Gd 1
Ge 1
Hf 1
Hg* 1
Ho 1
I 10
In 0.2
K 5 ppm
La 1
Li* 10
Lu 1
Mg 2 ppm
Mn 10
Element Detection Limit
Mo 1
Nb 1
Nd 1
Ni 5
Pb 1
Pd 1
Pr 1
Pt 1
Rb 1
Re 0.1
Ru 1
Sb 1
Sc* 1000
Se 30
Sm 1
Element Detection Limit
Sn 1
Sr 1
Ta 1
Tb 1
Te 1
Th 1
Ti* 1000
Tl 1
Tm 1
U 1
V 5
W 1
Y 1
Yb 1
Zn 10
Zr 1
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
Code 7 Add-Ons |
pH of leach solution |
Conductivity of leach solution |
pH + Conductivity |
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in hydroxylamine matrix at 30°C for 2 hours. Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 Cold Hydroxylamine Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element | Detection Limit |
Ag | 10 |
Al | 10 ppm |
As | 40 |
Au | 5 |
Ba | 50 |
Be | 20 |
Bi | 100 |
Br | 2,000 |
Ca | 700 ppm |
Cd | 5 |
Ce | 2 |
Co | 5 |
Cr* | 5,000 |
Cs | 5 |
Cu | 40 |
Dy | 1 |
Er | 1 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Eu | 0.5 |
Fe | 10 ppm |
Ga | 5 |
Gd | 1 |
Ge | 10 |
Hf | 5 |
Hg* | 20 |
Ho | 0.5 |
I | 200 |
In | 0.5 |
K | 50 ppm |
La | 2 |
Li* | 50 |
Lu | 0.5 |
Mg | 10 ppm |
Mn | 40 |
Mo | 20 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Na | 50 ppm |
Nb | 0.5 |
Nd | 2 |
Ni | 80 |
Pb | 20 |
Pd | 100 |
Pr | 0.5 |
Pt | 100 |
Rb | 10 |
Re | 0.5 |
Ru | 100 |
Sb | 5 |
Sc* | 200 |
Se | 200 |
Sm | 2 |
Sn | 100 |
Element | Detection Limit |
Sr | 100 |
Ta | 0.5 |
Tb | 0.5 |
Te | 10 |
Th | 0.5 |
Ti* | 500 |
Tl | 1 |
Tm | 0.5 |
U | 0.5 |
V | 500 |
W | 5 |
Y | 0.5 |
Yb | 0.5 |
Zn | 500 |
Zr | 400 |
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in hydroxylamine matrix at 60°C for 2 hours. Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 Hot Hydroxylamine Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 10
Al 10 ppm
As 40
Au 5
Ba 50
Be 20
Bi 100
Br 2,000
Ca 700 ppm
Cd 5
Ce 2
Co 5
Cr* 5,000
Cs 5
Cu 40
Dy 1
Er 1
Element Detection Limit
Eu 0.5
Fe 10 ppm
Ga 5
Gd 1
Ge 10
Hf 5
Hg* 20
Ho 0.5
I 200
In 0.5
K 50 ppm
La 2
Li* 50
Lu 0.5
Mg 10 ppm
Mn 40
Mo 20
Element Detection Limit
Na 50 ppm
Nb 0.5
Nd 2
Ni 80
Pb 20
Pd 100
Pr 0.5
Pt 100
Rb 10
Re 0.5
Ru 100
Sb 5
Sc* 200
Se 200
Sm 2
Sn 100
Element Detection Limit
Sr 100
Ta 0.5
Tb 0.5
Te 10
Th 0.5
Ti* 500
Tl 1
Tm 0.5
U 0.5
V 500
W 5
Y 0.5
Yb 0.5
Zn 500
Zr 400
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
Mobile Ion Geochemistry isolates the chemically active metal ions which were loosely adsorbed to soil particles. This is a weak leach that uses a solution of organic and inorganic compounds to extract target elements.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 Mobile Ion Geochemistry (MIG) Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 0.2
Al 0.5 ppm
As 0.5
Au 0.05
Ba 1
Be 0.07
Bi 0.1
Br 5
Ca 0.5 ppm
Cd 0.05
Ce 0.02
Co 0.1
Cr* 2
Cs 0.01
Cu 0.5
Dy 0.01
Element Detection Limit
Er 0.01
Eu 0.01
Fe 1 ppm
Ga 0.1
Gd 0.03
Ge 0.05
Hf 0.04
Hg* 0.05
Ho 0.01
I 1
In 0.1
K 5 ppm
La 0.01
Li* 0.2
Lu 0.01
Mn 0.1
Element Detection Limit
Mo 2
Nb 0.2
Nd 0.03
Ni 0.2
Pb 0.1
Pd 0.5
Pr 0.01
Pt 0.5
Rb 0.1
Re 0.01
Ru 0.05
Sb 0.2
Sc* 0.5
Se 1
Sm 1
Element Detection Limit
Sr 0.1
Ta 0.01
Tb 0.01
Te 1
Th 0.02
Tl 0.2
Tm 0.01
U 0.01
V 1
W 0.01
Y 0.02
Yb 0.02
Zn 2
Zr 0.5
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
Sequential leaches can target specific soil or rock phases and allow a better interpretation of the geochemical processes involved. There is a static and dynamic approach to the leaching.
The static approach, a sample will undergo sequentially a leaching process starting with the weakest leach to the strongest leach with subsequent analysis of each of the leachates by ICP-MS.
The dynamic approach involves sequential leaching on a sample packed column on-line with one leach following the other in close succession and then graphically examining the leaches (costs are dependent on the required protocol and number of leaches).
Some of the potential leaches which can be combined sequentially include from the weakest to the strongest:
Leach | Description |
Code 7 – Deionized Water | This water soluble leach attacks any water soluble component or most labile bound components. The leach is not buffered and can be affected by buffering the sample mineralogy. |
Code 7 – Enzyme SE | Selectively goes after amorphous Mn oxides |
Code 7 - Bioleach | A leach proprietary to Actlabs that has been designed to extract dead bacterial remnants |
Code 7 - Sodium Acetate Leach pH 5 | For exchangeable cations adsorbed by clay and elements co-precipitated with carbonates |
Code 7 - Sodium Pyrophosphate Leach | For exchangeable cations adsorbed by clay and elements co-precipitated with carbonates |
Code 7- MIG Leach | For mobile metal components |
Code 7 - Hydroxylamine Leach Cold | For amorphous Fe oxides and crystalline Mn Oxides |
Code 7 - Aqua Regia | Will leach sulphide species and clay minerals |
Code 7 - Aqua Regia | Will leach sulphide species and clay minerals |
Code 7 - Four Acid Digestion | Will dissolve silicate remnant material remaining |
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in Sodium Acetate matrix at 30°C for 1 hour. Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 Sodium Acetate Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 5
Al 5 ppm
As 30
Au 5
Ba 1000
Be 10
Bi 10
Br 500
Ca 200 ppm
Cd 10
Ce 3
Co 5
Cr* 100
Cs 2
Cu 100
Dy 2
Er 1
Element Detection Limit
Eu 1
Fe 5 ppm
Ga 10
Gd 1
Ge 5
Hf 2
Hg* 20
Ho 0.5
I 100
In 1
K 20 ppm
La 2
Li* 100
Lu 0.5
Mg 5 ppm
Mn 100
Element Detection Limit
Mo 20
Nb 1
Nd 2
Ni 30
Pb 40
Pd 100
Pr 0.5
Pt 100
Rb 20
Re 0.5
Ru 100
Sb 5
Sc* 200
Se 600
Sm 2
Element Detection Limit
Sn 10
Sr 100
Ta 1
Tb 1
Te 50
Th 1
Ti* 400
Tl 0.5
Tm 1
U 1
V 20
W 10
Y 1
Yb 3
Zn 2,000
Zr 80
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One reagent and two matrix blanks are analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 44 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 15 samples.
Code 7 Sodium Pyrophosphate Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 500
Al 10 ppm
As 300
Au 5
Ba 300
Be 50
Bi 40
Br 300
Ca 500 ppm
Cd 20
Ce 40
Co 50
Cr* 500
Cs 2
Cu 600
Dy 5
Element Detection Limit
Er 1
Eu 5
Fe 50 ppm
Ga 20
Gd 5
Ge 300
Hf 5
Hg* 200
Ho 1
I 1,000
In 2
K 50 ppm
La 20
Li* 1,000
Lu 1
Mg 10 ppm
Element Detection Limit
Mn 300
Mo 40
Nb 20
Nd 20
Ni 1,000
Pb 1,000
Pd 100
Pr 5
Pt 100
Rb 20
Re 1
Ru 100
Sb 20
Sc* 300
Se 700
Element Detection Limit
Sm 10
Sr 100
Ta 3
Tb 1
Te 200
Th 100
Tl 100
Tm 1
U 200
V 200
W 30
Y 10
Yb 2
Zn 1,000
Zr 100
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in TerraSol matrix at 30°C for 1 hour. Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 TerraSol Selective Extraction Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 300
Al 2 ppm
As 40
Au 5
Ba 20
Be 20
Bi 1
Ca 50 ppm
Cd 10
Ce 2
Co 5
Cr* 200
Cs 0.5
Cu 20
Dy 2
Element Detection Limit
Er 2
Eu 0.5
Fe 10 ppm
Ga 5
Gd 20
Ge 2
Hf 1
Hg* 10
Ho 0.5
In 2
K 20 ppm
La 10
Li* 500
Lu 0.5
Mg 10 ppm
Element Detection Limit
Mn 100
Mo 5
Nb 0.2
Nd 6
Ni 100
Pb 5
Pd 20
Pr 2
Pt 10
Rb 5
Re 0.5
Ru 10
Sb 2
Sc* 300
Element Detection Limit
Se 100
Sm 2
Sr 5
Ta 1
Te 60
Th 1
Tl 40
Tm 1
U 0.5
V 100
W 10
Y 0.2
Yb 2
Zn 40
Zr 1
*Values are Semi-Quantitative
Code 7 Add-Ons |
pH of leach solution |
Conductivity of leach solution |
pH + Conductivity |
Samples are analyzed as per the Tessier procedure by ICP-OES.
Code 7 Tessier Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppm)
Element Detection Limit
Cd 0.1
Co 1
Cu 1
Ni 1
Pb 1.4
Zn 1
Fe 10
Mn 2
A 0.75 g sample of -60 mesh B soil horizon material is leached in a water matrix at 30°C for 1 hour (Cold Water Leach) or at 60°C for 2 hours (Hot Water Leach). Two controls for every 49 samples are leached in the same procedure.
The solutions are analyzed on an ICP-MS. One matrix blank is analyzed per 49 samples. Two controls are run at the beginning and end of the group of 49 samples. Duplicate samples are leached and run every 10 samples.
Code 7 Water (Cold or Hot) Leach Elements and Detection Limits (ppb)
Element Detection Limit
Ag 0.2
Al 0.5 ppm
As 1
Au 0.05
Ba 1
Be 2
Bi 0.8
Br 5
Cd 0.2
Ce 0.1
Cl 2,000
Co 1
Cr 20
Cs 0.1
Cu 3
Dy 0.1
Er 0.1
Element Detection Limit
Eu 0.1
Fe 1 ppm
Ga 1
Gd 0.1
Ge 0.5
Hf 0.1
Hg 1
Ho 0.1
I 2
In 0.1
K 5 ppm
La 0.1
Li 2
Lu 0.1
Mg 2 ppm
Mn 1
Mo 1
Element Detection Limit
Na 5 ppm
Nb 1
Nd 0.1
Ni 3
Pb 1
Pd 1
Pr 0.1
Pt 1
Rb 1
Re 0.01
Ru 1
Sb 0.1
Sc 100
Se 5
Sm 0.1
Sn 0.8
Element Detection Limit
Sr 1
Ta 0.1
Tb 0.1
Te 1
Th 0.1
Ti 100
Tl 0.1
Tm 0.1
U 0.1
V 1
W 1
Y 0.5
Yb 0.1
Zn 10
Zr 1