Sodium peroxide fusion will result in a total metal recovery and is effective for the decomposition of sulphides and refractory minerals.
For nickel sulphide deposits this is the preferred method. This method is not suitable if sodium is required. 8-4-Acid is recommended if sodium is required.
Samples are fused with sodium peroxide in a Zirconium crucible. The fused sample is acidified with concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids. The resulting solutions are diluted and then measured by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. All metals are solubilized.
Fused samples are diluted and analyzed by ICP-MS. Calibration is performed using five synthetic calibration standards. A set of (10-20) fused certified reference material is run with every batch of samples for calibration and quality control. Fused duplicates are run every 10 samples.
Samples are analyzed with a minimum of 10 certified reference materials for the required analytes, all prepared by sodium peroxide fusion. Every 10th sample is prepared and analyzed in duplicate; a blank is prepared every 30 samples and analyzed. Samples are analyzed using an ICP and internal standards are used as part of the standard operating procedure.
Elements and Detection Limits (ppm)
Element Detection Limit Upper Limit Reported By
Al 0.01% 25% ICP
As 5 10,000 ICP/MS
B 10 10,000 ICP/MS
Ba 3 10,000 ICP/MS
Be 3 5,000 ICP/MS
Bi 2 5,000 ICP/MS
Ca 0.01% 40% ICP
Cd 2 5,000 ICP/MS
Ce 0.8 5,000 ICP/MS
Co 0.2 5,000 ICP/MS
Cr 30 10,000 ICP/MS
Cs 0.1 5,000 ICP/MS
Cu 2 10,000 ICP/MS
Dy 0.3 5,000 ICP/MS
Er 0.1 5,000 ICP/MS
Eu 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Fe 0.05% 30% ICP
Ga 0.2 5,000 ICP/MS
Ge 0.7 5,000 ICP/MS
Gd 0.1 5,000 ICP/MS
Hf 10 5,000 ICP/MS
Ho 0.2 1,000 ICP/MS
In 0.2 1,000 ICP/MS
K 0.10% 25% ICP
La 0.4 10,000 ICP/MS
Li 15 10,000 ICP
Mg 0.01% 30% ICP
Mn 3 10,000 ICP/MS
Element Detection Limit Upper Limit Reported By
Mo 1 10,000 ICP/MS
Nb 2.4 5,000 ICP/MS
Nd 0.4 5,000 ICP/MS
Ni 10 10,000 ICP/MS
Pb 0.8 5,000 ICP/MS
Pr 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Rb 0.4 5,000 ICP/MS
S 0.01% 25% ICP
Sb 2 5,000 ICP/MS
Se 8 5,000 ICP/MS
Si 0.01% 30% ICP
Sm 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Sn 0.5 10,000 ICP/MS
Sr 3 10,000 ICP/MS
Ta 0.2 10,000 ICP/MS
Tb 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Te 6 10,000 ICP/MS
Th 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Ti 0.01% 25% ICP
Tl 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Tm 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
U 0.1 10,000 ICP/MS
V 5 10,000 ICP/MS
W 0.7 5,000 ICP/MS
Y 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Yb 0.1 1,000 ICP/MS
Zn 25 10,000 ICP/MS
8-Peroxide Fusion
This assay method is ideal for base metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and refractory elements such as Mo, Nb, Ta, As, Cr, Ti as well as a range of other elements. Please contact us to determine the best suitability for your application.
Samples are fused with Na2O2 in Zirconium crucibles. The fused sample is dissolved in purified water and acidified with concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids. The solution is then measured by an ICP. Samples are analyzed with a minimum of 10 certified reference materials for the required analytes, all prepared by sodium peroxide fusion. Every 10th sample is prepared and analyzed in duplicate; a blank is prepared every 30 samples and analyzed.
Code 8 Peroxide ICP-OES Elements and Detection Limits
Element Detection Limit
Mg 0.01%
Mn 0.01%
Ni 0.005%
Pb 0.01%
S 0.01%
Sb 0.01%
Si 0.01 - 47 %
Ti 0.01%
W 0.005%
Zn 0.01%
Samples are fused with sodium peroxide in a Zirconium crucible. The fused sample is acidified with concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids. The resulting solutions are diluted and then measured by an ICP-MS. Calibration is performed using five synthetic calibration standards. A set of (10-20) fused certified reference material is run with every batch of samples for calibration and quality control. Fused duplicates are run every 10 samples.
Element Detection Limit
Al 0.001 %
As 0.001-2%
Be 0.001%
Bi 0.001%
Ca 0.01 %
Co 0.001 %
Cr 0.01 %
Cs 0.001 %
Cu 0.001 %
Fe 0.05 %
Ga 0.001 %
Ge 0.001 %
In 0.001 %
K 0.1 %
Li 0.01 %
Mg 0.01 %
Mn 0.01 %
Mo 0.001 %
Element Detection Limit
Nb 0.001 %
Ni 0.001 %
Pb 0.001 %
Re 0.001 %
S 0.01 %
Sb 0.00%
Se 0.001 %
Si 0.01 - 47 %
Sn 0.001 %
Ta 0.001 %
Te 0.001 %
Th 0.001 %
Ti 0.01 %
Tl 0.001 %
U 0.001 %
W 0.001 %
Zn 0.001 %