Enzyme Selective Extraction Services aid in the detection of hydrocarbon accumulations at depths up to several thousand meters. Our proprietary selective extraction techniques were developed over the past 25 years and have been successfully utilized to locate oil and natural gas accumulations in the subsurface. Petroleum reservoirs are indicated by a host of elements that are concentrated into positive and negative patterns above and around the margins of oil and gas reservoirs. Trace elements become trapped at parts-per-billion and parts-per-trillion levels within amorphous manganese oxide coatings on sand and silt grains in soil or sediment at the surface. Selective leaching of the amorphous MnO2 and subsequent analysis for 68 trace and major elements by ICP/MS reveals patterns that indicate hidden hydrocarbon accumulations. Enzyme Selective Extraction is the most effective selective extraction for specifically attacking amorphous MnO2 and thereby generates the highest background to anomaly contrast within subtle anomalies.
Actlabs’ Enzyme Selective Extraction Services will take your project from survey design and sample collection to data interpretation and target definition. Our expert staff of geologists and geochemists will design the most appropriate soil geochemistry program for your project.
Our years of experience, discovery successes and ongoing research programs combine to make us the leader in selective extraction technologies.
Pricing for Enzyme Selective Extraction surveys is based on a by the data point charge for that location, plus sample collection and mobilization costs. Quotes are available on request.
Spatiotemporal Geochemical Hydrocarbons (SGH) is an extractive procedure which releases organic compounds adsorbed on B- horizon soil samples. The SGH procedure provides a highly focused and sensitive method which measures compounds 162 light compounds (C5-C17 range) down to the low parts-per-trillion (ppt). This near surface geochemistry that has been refined and used for over 15 years provides information yielding resources like petroleum accumulations in the deep subsurface.
Actlabs’ research and development into the applicability of SGH for exploration has resulted in the availability of a cost-effective method, which can be used in tandem with geophysics to improve your success rate.
This technique utilizes natural materials including soil, sediment, till, lake-bottom or ocean-bottom sediments as well as other sample matrices. The combined results from a geochemical survey or grid, using a recommended minimum of 50 sample locations, provides a spatial pattern and signature that is able to vector to and identify blind petroleum deposits hosting wet gas, oil and coal. With the exception of gas plays, the spatial patterns produce are tied to redox conditions in the overburden and the hydrocarbon chemical signature identifies the petroleum-based play, if present.
Included in the price for analysis is a data interpretation and generation of a formal geochemical report in excess of 30 pages in length. Several Petroleum-based case studies are available for review. Please contact us to discuss whether your exploration survey is compatible with this exploration
For pricing, please inquire by contacting