Metallurgy services offered at Actlabs cover a wide range of precious metals, base metals, and industrial minerals.
Sample Preparation
- Custom preparation of small to bulk samples including compositing, blending and preparation of representative sub-samples
- Customized crush and grind size
- Crushing
- Grinding (Steel Ball & Rod, Ceramic Media)
- Bond Work Index (BWI)
- Size Classification (Screening and Cyclosizing)
- Laser Particle Size Analysis
Gravity Concentration
- Centrifugal Concentration (Knelson Concentrator)
- Shaking Table (Wilfley)
- Heavy Liquid Separation
- Batch Flotation
- Kinetic Testing
- Locked Cycle Testing

- Bottle roll and tank leaching
- Cyanidation, acid, and alkaline leaching
- CIL (Carbon-In-Leach) & CIP (Carbon-In-Pulp)
- Activated Carbon Testing (Adsorption & Quality)
- Sequential Diagnostic Leaching
- Leachwell Testing
Additional hydrometallurgical, pyrometallurgical, and pilot plant testing is available at Actlabs or can be facilitated through one of our partners. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.