Actlabs Burkina Faso SARL opened in 2012. This full service high capacity laboratory provides the following services to the local mining and exploration industry:

  • Pyroanalyse (Fire Assay)
  • Lixiviation au cyanure (Cyanide Leach)
  • Absorption atomique (Atomic Absorption)
  • Système de contrôle des particules à la fine pointe de la technologie (State-of-the-art Dust Control System)

ISO 9001: 2015 Certificate – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Actlabs Burkina Faso SARL

Rue Warba PK1 Ouest N-6 Sect. 16
09 BP 120 Ouagadougou 09

Tél. Bureau : +226 25369203
Mobile 1 (WhatsApp): +226 65110059
Mobile 2: +226 78516199
Mobile 3: +226 70243571


Actlabs Namibia (PTY) Ltd. opened in Windhoek, Namibia in 2010. This facility has state-of-the-art equipment and offers Sample Preparation services to the local mining and exploration industry with analysis of samples in Canada.

Actlabs Namibia (PTY) Ltd.

267 Cobalt Street, Prosperita, Windhoek
P.O. Box 35258, Kleine Kuppe, Windhoek, NAMIBIA

Tel: (+264) (0)61 231010
Fax: (+264) (0)61 231013
